Theme and Thematic Progression Analysis of Pre-Service Teachers’ Recount Text

Keywords: recount text, theme system, thematic progression, systemic functional linguistics


This study investigates patterns of the theme and thematic progression in a recount text by a pre-service teacher in Indonesia. This study employs a descriptive-qualitative case study research design. The data were obtained from six pre-service teachers’ texts. This study uses the theory of the Theme system developed by Halliday (2014) and the theory of Thematic progression proposed by Eggins (2004) as the framework to analyze the data. The findings revealed that pre-service teachers employed various approaches to building interest and depth in their work, such as coherence using sufficient textual themes and theme progressions. The theme system includes the topical, interpersonal, and textual themes delivered to make the text cohesive and coherent. Furthermore, the Zigzag pattern showed that the teacher maintained a clear focus, successfully established a logical connection, and provided elaboration in their writing. Although it needs several improvements on the higher-level theme, the teacher employed various approaches to building interest and depth in her work. The findings of this study suggest that pre-service teachers need to work on a higher level of English writing for academic and professional writing competence. Finally, it has implications for future studies that could extend this study in investigating argumentative texts written by teachers to improve the higher level of English writing and professional competence.


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How to Cite
Latifa, S., & Kurniawan, E. (2023). Theme and Thematic Progression Analysis of Pre-Service Teachers’ Recount Text. Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, 8(1), 99-111.