Interaction Management Strategies in English Literature Lectures in Indonesian University Setting
English literature, interaction management strategies
Interaction management strategies are increasingly set to become a vital factor in fostering active participants in university lectures. Following Rido, Ibrahim & Nambiar’s (2015) framework, this study investigated interaction management strategies used in English literature lectures in a university setting in Indonesia. This study employed a qualitative method and the data were gathered through video recordings. The findings showed that all literature lecturers employed three kinds of interaction management strategies such as code strategies, emotional strategies, and managing strategies. In code strategies, the lecturers used English during the entire class for clarity in opening, explanation, example, and closing. Meanwhile, in emotional strategies, the lecturers shared common strategies namely using non-verbal gestures and using humours or jokes in order to invite participation, to increase student’s motivation, and to create conducive learning environment. Then, in terms of managing strategies, the lecturers decided topic, controlled or switched the topic of discussion, decided who speaks, gave direction or commanded the students, gave extended wait time, and offered opportunity for student to speak in order to enable the students express their ideas and engage with the lectures. It is hoped that insights gleamed from this study will assist such lecturers to successfully manage their lectures and navigate the distribution of participation as well as content of the lesson.References
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Amir, H. S., & Jakob, J. C. (2020). Male and Female Teachers’ Turn Taking Strategies in EFL Classroom Interaction. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT), 19(1), 176–182.
Amir, N. A., Mahmud, M., & Haryanto. (2017). Male and Female Teachers’ Nonverbal Communication in EFL Classroom. CORE, 1–10.
Bakar, F., & Kumar, V. (2019). The Use of Humour in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Classrooms : Lecturers’ Perspectives. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 40, 15–25.
Di Gropello, E., Kruse, A., & Tandon, P. (2011). Skills for the Labor Market in Indonesia. Washington DC: World Bank.
Domizio, P. (2008). Giving a Good Lecture. Diagnostic Histopathology, 14(6), 284–288.
Hendarman. (2010). Incorporation of Employability Skills in Teaching-Learning Process Within TVE Schools. Proceedings of the 1 St UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 301–309.
Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2015). A Critical Analysis of the Role of Wait Time in Classroom Interactions and the Effects on Student and Teacher Interactional Behaviours. Cambridge Journal of Education, 45(3), 1–17.
Jefferson, G. (2004). Glossary of Transcript with an Introduction. In G.H. Lerner (Ed.). Conversation Analysis: Studies from the First Generation (pp. 13-31). Amsterdam: John Benjamin.
Jones, L. (2007). The Student-Centered Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Knapp, M. L., Hall, J. A., & Horgan, T. G. (2014). Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction (8th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Kuswoyo, H., Tuckyta, E., Sujatna, S., Indrayani, L. M., & Rido, A. (2020). Cohesive Conjunctions and and so as Discourse Strategies in English Native and Non-Native Engineering Lecturers: A Corpus-Based Study. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 2322–2335.
Lestari, Y. (2017). Lecturer Talks : Classroom Interaction’s Identifying. International Journal of English Language and Teaching, 1(1), 45–49.
Lovorn, M., & Holaway, C. (2015). Teachers’ Perceptions of Humour as a Classroom Teaching, Interaction, and Management Tool. European Journal of Humour Research, 3(4), 24–35.
Mahmud, M. (2017). Communicative Styles of English Students at the State University of Makassar. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 17(February), 223–238.
Marsella, E. (2020). Exploring Teachers’ Use of First Language (L1) in EFL Classroom. TEKNOSASTIK, 18(1), 15–24.
Mercer, N., & Dawes, L. (2008). The Value of Exploratory Talk. In N. Mercer & S. Hodgkinson (Eds.). Exploring Talk in School: Inspired by the Work of Douglas Barnes (pp. 55–72). London: Sage Publications.
Namaziandost, E., & Nasri, M. (2019). A Meticulous Look at Long’s (1981) Interaction Hypothesis : Does It Have Any Effect on Speaking Skill? Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 6(July), 218–230.
Pennycook, A. (1994). The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language (Vol. 13). Longman: London & New York.
Rido, A. (2010). The Use of Discourse Markers as an Interactive Feature in Science Lecture Discourse in L2 Setting. TEFLIN Journal, 21(1), 90–106.
Rido, A. (2019). What Is Newton’s Law of Inertia?: The Use Question in Science Lectures. LITERA, 18(2), 312–325.
Rido, A. (2020a). English for University Graduate Employability: Students and Employers’ Voices. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 430, 6–10.
Rido, A. (2020b). Why They Act The Way They Do?: Pedagogical Practices of Experienced Vocational English Language Teachers in Indonesia. International Journal of Language Education, 4(2), 24.
Rido, A., Afrianto, Sari, F. M., Mayangsuri, R. A., & Duantoro, H. (2017). Discourse Structure of Lecture in L2 in the Indonesian Tertiary Context. Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar on English Language and Teaching (ISELT), 11–20.
Rido, A., Ibrahim, N., & Nambiar, R. M. K. (2015). Interaction Strategies of Master Teachers in Indonesian Vocational Classroom: A Case Study. 3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 21(3), 85–98.
Shi, D. (2013). Teacher-Student Interaction in Novel and Poetry Classrooms in the Hong Kong Tertiary Setting. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 3(11), 1975–1982.
Simpson, R., Lee, D., & Leicher, S. (2003). MICASE Manual The Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English. Ann Abor, MI: English Language Institute: The University of Michigan.
Singelis, T. (1994). Nonverbal Communication in Intercultural Interactions. In R. Brislin & T. Yoshida (Eds.) Improving Intercultural Interactions (pp.268-294). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Sirande, N. (2016). Turn Taking in Teaching English at English Study Program of FKIP UKI Toraja. Tefl Overseas Journal, 101–119.
Solheim, K. (2019). Teachers’ Aspirations to Improve Their Classroom Interaction. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(6), 147–169.
Soraya. (2020). The Dimension of Discourse in English Class of Higher Education. Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, 5(1), 195–210.
Sulistyorini, L. (2019). An Analysis of Teacher Interaction Strategies: A Case Study in English Massive Program in Kediri. Language-Edu, 8(1), 1–11.
Tunnisa, D., Mahmud, M., & Salija, K. (2019). Investigating Teacher’s Sense of Humor in Indonesia. International Journal of Language Education, 3(2), 99–114.
Walsh, S. (2011). Exploring Classroom Discourse: Language in Action. London: Routledge.
World Bank. (2010). Indonesia Jobs Report towards Better Jobs and Security for All. Jakarta: World Bank.
How to Cite
Rido, A., Kuswoyo, H., & Ayu, R. (2020). Interaction Management Strategies in English Literature Lectures in Indonesian University Setting. Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, 5(2), 315-337.