Code Switching in Tetun Songs: The Way to Teach Language
Nowadays, the use of language can be done through daily life conversations and in the form of works, one of which is a song. In connection with the function of language in social science, sociolinguistics was born, one of which is about code-switching. This research involves six popular songs from Timor Leste that use three language variations, namely Tetun, Indonesian, and English. As a result, three types of code-switching were found: tag switching, intra-sentential switching, and inter-sentential switching. From here, there are three functions of code-switching in these songs including proving that Tetun can be comparable to other languages, code-switching can be used to discuss certain topics, and finally, this phenomenon is also effective to show certain characteristics. The function of code-switching itself is also related to the language learning process for learners.
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