Verbal Linguistics Intelligence and Self-Directed Learning in EFL Writing Problem Solving: A Study of Grit's Mediating Influence

  • Mujiono Mujiono Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: academic writing, EFL, grit, SDL, verbal linguistics intelligence


In EFL writing, the interplay of Verbal linguistic intelligence and self-directed learning, influenced by grit, is crucial for enhancing proficiency. This research aims to explore the intricate relationship between linguistic intelligence, independent learning, and the pivotal role of grit. A cross-sectional design was instituted, encompassing 228 participants, aged 20-25, from a renowned private university in Malang, Indonesia. The Grit Scale by Duckworth et al. (2007) gauged participants' perseverance, while tools grounded in Hayes and Flower's paradigms assessed self-directed Learning. Verbal-linguistic Intelligence was appraised using the MIDAS tool. The findings illuminate the intricate dynamics of Verbal linguistics lntelligence, self-directed learning, and grit in academic writing. Verbal Intelligence strongly correlated with the constructs, underscoring its cardinal role in academic writing and analytical capabilities. Grit emerged as a crucial mediator between Self-Directed Learning, Verbal Intelligence, and writing problem-solving strategies, presenting a promising avenue for targeted pedagogical interventions. This investigation bolsters the foundation of resilient educational assessment tools and magnifies the transformative potential of grit and linguistic prowess in sharpening analytical abilities. Further studies should expound upon these relationships across diverse landscapes, remaining mindful of inherent biases.

Keywords: academic writing, EFL, grit, self-directed learning, verbal linguistics, intelligence

Author Biography

Mujiono Mujiono, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
Department of English Education, Language and Literature Faculty, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


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How to Cite
Mujiono, M. (2023). Verbal Linguistics Intelligence and Self-Directed Learning in EFL Writing Problem Solving: A Study of Grit’s Mediating Influence. Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, 8(2), 247-262.